Favourite drawings

This are mostly my favourite artworks or artworks that have a interesting story that i wanna share with you.

If you are interested in buying one take a look at my shop if it isn’t there simply contact me and we can talk about it.

I made this one in a secret santa on intagram  I was in. 

It’s an arrangement by a group of artists who exchange Christmas presents anonymously, each member of the group is assigned another member for who the person has to make an artwork of their Oc(original character).

This is a painting of myself. My brother took this picture of me and I love it so much that I drew myself in the Ying and Yang. With one part day and one part night.  

At the beginning of this painting I had no clue what It was gonna be. I was like my hand where flying over the painting. Knowing exactly what to do. It is an amazing feeling when you have no plan what you’re actually doing but it gets that good at the end.

This is the drawing i can tell the most about and i think its a really interesting story. 

So the sketch was actually created in the middle of the night at full moon. I just suddenly had that amazing picture in my mind and i had to sketch it(image 1). On the next days a started making more details and just painting its prettier(image 2)

This one was actually first supposed to be only a sketch(image 1) but then i had the idea to edit the drawing with a photo editor and i think it turned out really nice too(image 2).

This eye was funny to paint. I painted everything with blue first but as i didn’t like it that much i put some orange on the skin and that is why it looks so interesting. 🙂

I love the peaceful and majestic energy of this painting. When i started painting it i had no idea what i was painting. I just started with some clouds that turned into mountains after.