Home Page

Hello art lovers!


I am a young artist who lives in a calm and nice corner in Portugal. I love the nature and everything that has do do with it. 

My passions are horses and art. Or the combination of both.

I draw since I can hold a pencil in my hand and I am mostly inspired my nature. Like animals, landscapes, sunsets and mystic forests.

For more info go to about me.


As you can see i’ve also got a shop. 

I still don’t have allot of variety there so if you want to buy a painting or a print that isn’t there, please contact me and we can talk about it.

This is the drawing i can tell the most about and i think its a really interesting story. 

The sketch was actually created in the middle of the night at full moon. I just suddenly had that amazing picture in my mind and i had to sketch it(image 1). On the next days a started making more details and just painting its prettier(image

At the beginning of this painting I had no clue what It was gonna be. I was like my hand where flying over the painting. Knowing exactly what to do. It is an amazing feeling when you have no plan what you’re actually doing but it gets that good at the end.

That is why im so proud of this one.